Sam Group Sam News


38-episode TV Drama (The Legend of a Hongan General) will be officially broadcasted on Hubei TV since 19:30 on January 22, 2015. Your Attention is kindly requested.

time:2017-05-26 soure:中国森田 author:中国森田

On January 30, 2015, China Sam Group held an annual meeting in Beijing Nangong Spring Holiday Hotel with the theme of “Dream in China and Love in Sam.” All Staff and teams from Henan, Xiamen and Shanghai as well as legal group and VIP guests had attended the meeting. 

Mr. Jiao Qisen, the president of China Sam Group, conducted a very important training on the Communication Skills, Occupational Qualities and Life Direction for the staff and management. 

When it came to the awards ceremony, the three awards (the Best Team, the Best Employee and the Best New Employee) had been given to the team and individual.


In the near future, China Sam Group will make greater achievements through its struggle and partnership. 

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