The public welfare film “Captain Dad”, directed and starred by Zhang Yonggang (Hei Zi), is continuously under intense shooting, and ushers in the most difficult stage of shooting with the hot-blooded plot and devoted acting. Recently, the film crew exposed behind-the-scenes look of rain scene. To achieve a real effect, actors and actresses even soak themselves in the river for several hours.
Since shooting is in early autumn, protagonists have to wear thin clothes to shuttle in the artificial rainstorm. To achieve the most real “rain” state, protagonists must be soaked all over, shuttling across the road for many times with emotion into the role.
Even if shivering with cold, Hei Zi will watch the monitor and discuss together with the staff after the completion of performance. The dedication of excellence is worth of praise. It is precisely all staff of the crew’s utmost serious attitude that makes scenes of rescuing people in the rain more impressive.
After seeing behind-the-scenes look, do you have a new understanding toward the profession of actors and actresses? For more behind-the-scenes videos, please pay attention to the official Tik Tok of “Captain Dad”.