Magical Charm (Movie)
About the Movie   Magical Charm is a movie that proclaims joyful education...
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Essential information

About the Movie

  Magical Charm is a movie that proclaims joyful education and happy upbringing. It presents a wonderful story happened in the world of kids, using children’s narratives and from a child’s point of view. By comparing the methods the robot monitors adopted to educate and discipline kids and the different outcomes they yielded, the movie is calling adults’ attention to Children’s education.


Chinese Title: 魔幻魅力

Year of Presentation: 2013

Director: Li Hong

Genre: kids/science fiction

Also Known As: Robot Monitor

Filming Location: Quanzhou, Fujian

Written By Liu Bin

Starring: Lin Muran

Costarring: Huang Tianyun, Wang Xiaotian, Zhu Chenhui

Guest Starring: Yang Si, Zhang Shen, Zhang Qing, Sun Jia

Exclusively Presented by: Sam Film Limited Company

Story introduction

Plot Summary:

  The story begins with an emergency meeting, where the bearded principal urged all teachers to come up with a plan for sorting out the mess of class No.1, the one with the worst reputation and the most ironical name the Apple Primary School has ever seen. A proposal was made at the meeting that a custom-made, humanoid robot monitor could be purchased from the “Rumbling Robot Company” to manage students in Class No.1.

  Robot No.1 (portrayed by Lin Muran) is a tough monitor ruling the class with iron fists. On the surface, Class No.1 seemed to have been brought back to normal under his management. But in reality, the naughty kids were secretly plotting against him after they found out the monitor was actually a machine. Eventually, Robot No.1 was disabled and dragged back to Rumbling Robot Company where he was upgraded into Robot No.2, a nagging one with democratic approaches, which only made them even naughtier. After that, a more advanced model, Robot No.3 was sent to complete the mission. Under his leadership, the kids of Class No.1 went through one adventure after another and eventually became close friends with Robot No.3.

Naturally, Class No.1 actually becomes the number on in a real sense. 

Role introduction
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